DEADMAN LA NUEVA ORDEN LA RESTITUCION DE LA FE PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT For the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit • Blessed Spirit of Wisdom, help me to seek God. May it be the center of my life, oriented towards Him so that love and harmony reign in my soul. Blessed Spirit of Understanding, enlighten my mind, so that I know and love the truths of faith and make them true life of my life. Blessed Spirit of Counsel, enlighten me and guide me in all my ways, so that I can always know and do your holy will. Make me prudent and bold. Blessed Spirit of Strength, invigorates my soul in time of trial and adversity. Give me loyalty and trust. Blessed Spirit of Science, help me distinguish between good and evil. Teach me to proceed with righteousness in the presence of God. Give me clear vision and firm decision. Blessed Spirit of Piety, take possession of my heart; Incline him to believe with sincerity in You, to love you saintly, my God, so that with all my soul I can l...